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Assistive Technology packages

Home Access packages with Assistive Technology provide short, medium and long-term educational benefits for learners with profound physical disabilities or special educational needs.


Short-term benefits:

  • be creative with technology, learning and exploring the world around them in a controlled environment outside the classroom.
  • collaborate with their school friends in a secure environment
  • spend quality time with their family, working together, learning together and playing together.

Medium-term benefits:

  • access technology at home, which enhances motivation, increases concentration and improves interaction, building relationships with others in ways they couldn’t before.
  • break down barriers to disability and special educational needs, learning social and communication skills.
  • reduce the sense of isolation that many speacial educational needs learners and their carers experience through accessing support and information resources online.

Long-term benefits:

  • have access to ICT at home to gain essential IT skills, something that’s increasingly important considering that 90 per cent of all new jobs require IT skills.
  • easily find and access a wealth of government, local authority and other support services via the internet, improving independence and enhancing inclusion.
  • develop their motor and cognitive skills through using special switch-access technology and specially developed online resources.